Saturday 5 December 2015

Telephone Call

drakaina Lamia Video Studio has just released a new clip - Phone Call. Done in the studio's usual genre of technical shots, combined with high quality of graphics, and subtle story telling this clip plays on erotic tension.
well, actually i do need to find someone other to write up a critique of it as it is really hard to judge your own work. Till then... enjoy:

Tuesday 1 December 2015


Hello my friends Three years into Second Life and making machinima I realized there is no central clearinghouse for the wonderful erotic work (ok.... you may want to call it porn, your choice) that is made within the grid, no repository of "How to" for newbies. There are of course wonderful webpages of Studios and bloggers, there is Naughtymachinima, but these are all spread over thinly and mixed up with content created elsewhere. So I decided to ask couple of directors in SL to come together to form a Guild, our guild, open to all, who want to create great stuff, learn, enjoy and have fun. I hope you will find here what you are looking for - information about established studios. Listing of people doing "IT". How to guides to get you started. News of what's being filmed right now. Lamia